Summer is my favorite time of year. Creating ideas for a fun summer bucket list is something that I look forward to each May. The first thing I do is grab the bucket list from the previous ear. Then, I look over what is old, new and creative. To create a fun summer full of…
Summer Bucket List Movie Deals for Kids
This summer we went to the movies. Last summer I found several deals, but it was so nice that we ended up at the pool more. Each summer is different and I try to make sure we have rainy day activities and sunny day fun. Summer is my favorite time of year and I enjoy…
Summer Bucket List Water Fun For Boys
***There are affiliate links in this post that if you choose to purchase from them will help support my family. Thank you for considering a purchase. Every year I save our summer bucket list. Taking time to highlight what we liked and cross off the disliked activities. Planning our summer bucket list is mixing last…
Summer Bucket List Antiquing With Kids
We had such a fun day visiting the antique mall as part of our summer bucket list. All of the kids were able to find something they wanted. Each item had value from the past, and since I am a huge history buff this was exciting. I am not an avid antiques, but it is…
Managing A Home And Homeschooling…It Can Be Done
Sometimes trying to run the house, homeschool, do the errands, cook the dinner and keep the kids safe is extremely overwhelming. We all know that having a quick, solid plan is the roadmap to success. Even the best homeschool moms who plan out every detail know that there is no quick fix. Why? Implentation. That…
Preschool: Letter Z
Ko and I finished up our last week of letter Z. Preschool for him only lasts 30 min. of focused time, but any chance that I get through the day to use a learning experience I jump on it. At homeschool convention this year I bought some placemats. What better way to start dinner conversation? …
Homeschool Preschool Letter Q Week Activities
Homeschool preschool letter Q activities allow for curiosity to be quenched through daily lessons. Forget about the worksheets and learn through pictures, nature, writing and more. Homeschool Preschool Handwriting Activity Starting out with the handwriting activity is a good way to introduce the letter of the week. Then, add it to the learning board. The…
Mom of Boys Homeschool Field Trip: Week 4
This week our homeschool field trip had to take place at home. Our basement flooded due to the sump pump going out and I had to wait for the plumber to arrive and help. We did not do anything amazing, but did some interest led learning, extra practice, and reading. It’s ok to spend a…
Frugal Homemade Pizza Tips
One of my favorite frugal tips is make food at home. Every Friday night we used to order pizza. After homeschooling and work all week, cooking was not a priority. Ordering pizza began to get expensive with a family of six. My sons are getting older and eat more than they used to eat. Pizza deals are…
The Experts Guide To Cutting Grocery Costs
Cutting grocery costs takes dedication, discipline and a few tips here and there. There have been times that I go grocery shopping without a list. I instantly regret it. Why? I regret it because I spent more than I wanted to. My budget was blown by carelessness. Taking the time each month to budget is…
Frugal Homemaker Tips For Weekly Grocery Deals
Right now all of us are in the same frugal homemaker boat for grocery costs. Nothing is cheap and deals are hard to come by. All of the deals are still above what we paid a few years’ ago. The budget pinch is real and no one is escaping it. Grocery staples are so expensive…
5 Tips On Saving Money With A New Baby
Our family added our fourth baby ten years ago. Saving money was very important then as it is now. We are still a one income family. Having a baby does not have to be expensive. I think we MAKE it expensive with all of the new furniture, blankets, room decorations, etc. To me, it…
Frugal Home Ways to Save with Oven Cooking
Save Energy with a Convection Oven Frugal Home Convection ovens help to save energy because they circulate the hot air. Instead of surrounding the food, hot air cooks it faster at lower temperatures. We recently upgraded our stove to a convection oven, and first of all I can tell a huge difference in the cook…
Frugal Home Vegetable Primavera Recipe
Many years I have struggled with affordable, healthy meal plans. Frugal Home Vegetable Primavera has become a staple in my monthly meals. As a mom who cares what her kids eat I am picky about the food I serve. Another facet of my recipe planning involves leftovers, what will freeze well, keep well, and cost….
Easy Tips for Frugal Home Gardening
I have been working really hard this year on my garden. My three goals were : to not spend a lot of money, use what I had, and learn something I did not know last year. Each year is different in our garden. One year the zucchini will grow great and the tomatoes will not….
Frugal Summer Backyard Camping with Kids
Backyard camping is a frugal, close to home, and a fun alternative to state park camping. As a child, my favorite part of summer was setting up the tent in the backyard for a few days. It became an automatic playscape that was full of adventures. My imagination was able to run free and many…